Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Baby Wants MEXICAN!

We are all well aware that pregnant women are known for their cravings.  There's plenty of information on what these cravings could mean physically and nutritionally (one article's findings posted here), but it's also fun to research and find out what specific cravings could mean in relation to the sprogling* growing inside....

For instance, I can't get enough Mexican food!! OMG. I'm normally a relatively good health-nut.  But right now, all my brain says is "SCREW the healthy, GIVE ME NACHOS!"...and tacos...and taco salad...and pupusas...but mainly NACHOS!!! I can't get enough of em. Let's see what google has to say about that...just that there's a lot of other women out there who crave the same.  

Ok, so maybe there isn't a wealth of food-craving-divination out there...but it is amusing to see the old-wive's-tales out there such as cravings = gender of the sprogling. (Here is a good article on pregnancy gender myths.)  According to myth, I'm gonna have a hairy girl.  Of course, with one myth comes countering myths.  I'm gonna go with my dreams and get back to those nacho cravings...

My food quote of the day: "I have salad and cheesecake! It's the perfectly balanced meal!" :D

*Sprogling: the result of sprogging...having sex with the intention of creating babies.

Crazy Dreams...

So, as it turns out, weird dreams are one of the major oddities that afflict pregnant women. Now, my normal dreams are far from "normal", typically involving zombies, vampires, or tornadoes.  But this....this is just wierd.

I have a nice little app on my phone which allows me to catalogue weight changes, moods, cravings, etc.  And there is a space for further comments...but after 2 weeks of diligently taking notes to remember my hormonal-neurosis, I have decided that these things need to be shared. Keep in mind, these won't be censored.  You've been warned. ;-)

Enter: The Dream Zone..../insert creepy Twilight Zone music here/

Last night's dreams:
1)  For some reason or another, it was deemed necessary to cut out the lens of my right eye.  I've had Lasik so this isn't all together freaky for me, until the cutting is done by those little gnarly cuticle trimmers.  With each little "clip! clip!" I flinched. With the lens cut off, and me holding it in my left hand, I was told I had to rinse my eye out. /rinse-rinse/ I then looked around and noticed everything was blurry out of my right eye. The mystery Peanuts-adult-voice then told me I had to put the lens back in and blink so it could heal.  "CRAP!" I dropped the lens...."wait...there it is!" With a little hassle, it went back into my eyeball like a contact lens. "Quick! Blink and let it heal before you wake up!" I tell myself in the dream /blink-blink/....and then I wake up.

2)  Back to sleep after weird eye-ball dream, and I'm having sex with Husband in a car at my old high school - in the parking lot back by the band room (yes, I was in band...insert appropriate band-camp jokes here).  To clarify, we're our age now in the dream...not high school age. All of a sudden, he has to pee.  I'm watching him pee outside the car and it makes me have to go really bad but I can't hold it.  In a rather gross moment, I decide to pee on the back seat...only it doesn't come out and go all over the seat - the seat somehow makes it vacuum back into my girl-parts, which causes severe cramping and bloating. Just as I'm wondering in the dream if I've caused some sort of catastrophic internal issue, I'm waking out of the dream and have a rather strong cramping sensation (common, btw) and have to pee like a racehorse. Guess I should drink less water before bed.